Wednesday, February 6, 2013

002.A.1.7 2011 AATG Fall Conferen

From: Jeff Packer []
Sent: Monday, August 22, 2011 1:57 PM
To: Jeff Packer
Subject: AATG Immersion Workshop

Hello all again,

In the past few years, we have held an overnight fall immersion workshop at Aspen Grove.  This year we would like to try something a little different.  We will having an Immersion Workshop at Utah Valley University on Saturday September 17, from 9am to 2pm. The room will be LA118.  Lunch will be Catered from Siegfried's in Salt Lake, and paid for by AATG.

During the morning session, we will have a hands-on workshop on how to create a Podcast and post it to the web.  As you may have heard, UFLA has replaced their poster contest with a podcast contest.  This is the main reason we have moved our workshop from November to September, so that you can use what you learn both for UFLA and for the UofU German Day activities.  Branden Lansing and Bret Thomas of Eastmont Middleschool have agreed to provide the instruction for this session.

The after-lunch topic will be Using Berlin Culture and Music in the classroom, presented by Jeff Packer.  In the last three years of leading  Study Abroad groups to Berlin, I have collected material, photographs, music, books, etc. that I use in all levels of German instruction.  I will share some of my ideas and materials and hopefully provide you with something new you can use in your classes.

As always, the workshop will provide licencing credit for those of you who need it.  If you are not in that situation, please come anyway and enjoy some good food, some good company, and a chance to interact with your colleagues from around the state and use German on a level beyond what you are getting from your students. An RSVP to me at this address would be appreciated, but we will be happy to have you attend in any even if you forget to let us know you are coming.

If you have any questions, please contact me at or by phone at (801) 863-8626

Alles Gute,

Jeff Packer
President, AATG

Podcasting eine Reihe von Audio- / Video-Dateien,; kann automatisch unterladen werden; soll in einer RSS stecken

Brandon Lansing & Bret Thomas (Tom Stack)

  1. Idee planen, entwerfen
  2. Hor-Podcast machen / Video-Podcast machen
  3. Im Internet / Blog aufspeichern
  4. iTunes Deutsch im Alltag (in iTunes)

Was braucht man?
  1. Videokamera
  1. make sure it will be compatible with your Publishing/Sharing medium
  2. takes it in digital time or in Codex?
  3. Mikrofon
  4. iTouches and iMovie zusammen für Macs
  5. quicktime WonderShare converts readily
  6. check whether it changes the quality, might change video size & worse quality
  7. avi .09 format with iMovie
  8. some iMovies will inly read mp4s

  1. Audio-Redaktion-Software Audacity, Sounds Abounds----has all world-free music with permission (in UEN) (Mac = Mac-GarageBand)
  2. Video-Redaktion-Software Windows Movie Maker, iMovie


  1. Plan, das Skript, Drehbuch
  2. Aufnehmen,
  1. am besten, wenn die Kamera sich NICHT bewegt
  2. weinger, längere Shots

  1. Nach dem Aufnehmen --- Lassen Sie genug Zeit für das Verbessern
  2. Publishing/Sharing

Windows Movie-Maker
Convert your video to mp4 with this: http:///
Windows Movie-Maker will only save things in this format .wmv
iDVD will save things into mp4

UFLA Podcast/Video-Wettbewerb 1 Minute lang könnte auch an dem ACTFL-Wettbewerb teilnehmen für Schüler/Studenten von K-16. Fällig am 7. Oktober
Long-term Aufspeichern not necessary for contest.

Das Verfilmen
  1. Schritt eins mindestens vier Szenen haben, planen, storyboard machen
  2. Put the training into the system
  3. Assign students to create a script and storyboard
  4. Avoid 20 second shots
  5. It is possible to film out of order—very helpful---if you have a storyboard
  6. Postproduction can fast if it was preplanned.
  7. Make students work in teams . assign them different roles
  8. Problem: time comsumption wil really large classes. Have part of it be an out–of-class project.
  9. Class does Modeschau . one camera does stills, one does video. They do it outside of class.
  10. Give students options, choice between writing a paper and making a video.
  11. Too often, students’ videos have too little speaking. Balance this. Ganz schnell, edited, planned & edited.
  12. Avoid viel Action, inside jokes, viral/famous on YouTube---language is what really matters.
  13. UVU rule: 100 words of connected German.
  14. Teacher creates her own podcasts/videos to help students

Where to upload it
  1. Skydrive more than 25 gigabytes free – viel. Professoren mit einer E-Mail-Adresse von .edu können sich an Skydrive wenden und Aufspeicherplatz verlangen.
  2. RSS feed can point to multiple servers easiest way is to use a blog spot link:
  3. These are .xml files end with .xml
  4. Remember, video is a lot larger & harder to do than audio podcasts.
  5. Talk to the school tech guy & try to get server space on your school server, but then they will have to let the public have some access
  6. UEN gives public school teach a little bit of access
  7. Be careful never to refer to students to a site which might include questionable material.
  8. YouTube now allows longer videos (some districts have YouTube unblocked)

Song von den Prinzen ‘Tausend liebe Worte helfen mir durch den Verkehr’

Berliner Songs
Peter Fox
Haus am See ---clear words
Schwarz zu blaiu
Alles neu

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