Tuesday, February 5, 2013

003.A.13.3 2012 New Spanish Book Search

Here is the standard rubric for comparing possible textbooks:

STANDARDS-BASED TEXTBOOK EVALUATION GUIDE Foreign Language Standards Implementation Guide, Indiana Standards (2000) Developed by Sally Hood Cisar Indiana University, Bloomington Indiana Name of Textbook: _____________________________________________________________ Goal:

Name of
Score from
Score from
Score from
Score from
Score from

COMMUNICATION Browse the text and ancillaries for communicative activities that address each of the three standards for communication. Read through the activities carefully and rate them according to the listed criteria, using the scale 0 through 4. Activity names (and/or numbers) _________________________ Pages ____________________
Not At All Partially Completely
0 – 1 – 2 - 3- 4

This is the Table I made to compare the different books and their strengths:

cgonzaleSPANISH 1010 – 1020 PROSPECTIVE TEXTBOOKS Preliminary data

No. of lessons
Chapter(s) in which this structure is taught
Chapter themes
writing, oral

Preterite, imperfect, contrast
Present subjunctive
Past subjunctive
Past perfect subjunctive


4th ed
6/7/8/9, 10, 10
12/13/14/ 15, 18
16, 18
17, 18
3 types

Vistas & Panoramas share the same 3 videos: telenovela, cultural video-English to CH 6, and Span-language cultural video

6/7/8/9/ 10, 10

shorter clone of Vista

9, 9, 10
3 types

Has present perfect before imperfect

10, 11
Themes & some countries
3 types

Designed for 2 semesters

3rd ed


Same as ¡Viva!

The Supersite is where you will find all the multimedia (click on Preview Student Site, on the upper right to see what the students see), and all the testing and instructor resources (under the Resources tab at the top).
This text certainly fulfills all other requirements, with two caveats. 
 The chapters are arranged thematically, rather than by country, focusing on aspects of daily life.  This allows us to group vocabulary, readings, and culture around a central theme, in order to provide an overarching context for the chapter content.
 We provide detailed country or region studies in every other chapter, rather than every chapter.  The studies (Aventuras en los paises hispanos ) include a video documentary, and an overview of the  history, art, economy, and culture, including a review exercise.  These are generally more detailed than in most books, according to the feedback I have received.
 Each chapter includes a 5 minute video segment called Flash Cultura, which take a look at a  “small c” cultural event, practice, or daily routine in Spanish speaking countries.  There is a related reading on the topic as well, and these are in every chapter within the Exploraciones sections.  I think that chapter 10, on the health care system in Argentina is my favorite, because it is such an eye-opener on what is possible (though lacking in the US).
 So we actually have two types of geocultural videos, and related readings.  In addition, the Videoclip which follows each  Gramática section shows an authentic Spanish language television news story, or commercial spot, including one short film.
 The 5 C’s served as a guide to how we organize the material, and you will find icons throughout the instructor’s edition identifying which standard is engaged within a particular activity.
 No other text on the market includes a Pronunciación section like ours.  Take a look at the full page coverage, and then see how the integrated online activities encourage the student to practice by recording their own voice and comparing that to a native speaker.  This has been incredibly popular with students who are provided with a way to listen to and practice proper speech outside the classroom.  There are many additional ways that students are exposed to authentic speech in an interactive online context, and asked to produce speech as well as listen.
 And no other text includes the type of animated Grammar Tutorials that we do.  Ours are far more engaging and fun for the students (and teachers).
 I would be very happy to help point all these out, while refraining from engaging in any leading or “sales like” commentary or questions.  If your colleagues prefer to be left alone, maybe you and I could walk through the resources over the phone together, and you could help to point out to them items that you find particularly interesting.  Or, I would be happy to drop by your office and do the same in person as a purely informational meeting.  Laura is right to be concerned.  Everywhere I went last year, I heard the same comment about the sales effort for Experience Spanish, “high pressure”.  They not only sent their executives on a national tour, but the reps were strongly encouraged to keep the pressure on for this new book.  The results were not impressive, and the pressure tactics made instructors more defensive with all the publishers.
 If you think this book should be a candidate, and would like to be able to show your colleagues where to find all the online resources, just let me know, and I will be happy to assist either by phone or in person.
 You can make all of these sample videos full screen by clicking on the tiny icon in the bottom right corner of the screen, after clicking on the segment to open it.

Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2012 1:20 PMTo: Christine GonzalesSubject: Cengage Learning eTextbook added to your CourseSmart account
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Nexos, 3rd ed


From: lanise thompson [laniset@gmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2012 1:29 PMSo I set up a practice course on the Nexos site. 
2. log in username: slccnexos
             password: slcc2012
This takes you to the student portion and you can view all the different activities Click ebook to view the newest edition in electronic form.
From the teachers page click SLCCtest takes you to the teacher portion  from that page if you click assign you can see how to assign assignments. green dots mean the computer will grade the assignment, no instructor input needed. If you click on the name of the assignment (underlined in blue) you can see the assignment.

Sheri Spaine Long - University of Alabama at Birmingham
María Carreira - California State University at Long Beach
Sylvia Madrigal Velasco
Kristin Swanson
ISBN-10: 1111833249  ISBN-13: 9781111833244
608 Pages   Paperbound
© 2013     Published Heinle (Cengage)
Personal Tutor Spanish 3-Semester Instant Access Code
ISBN-10: 111177014X | ISBN-13: 9781111770143
Personal Tutor gives students online access to live, one-on-one help from a subject-area expert.
Premium Web Site Instant Access Code
ISBN-10: 1133001009 | ISBN-13: 9781133001003
This new online suite of digital resources makes it easy for your students to access all of the eResources you select using this one-stop online portal. You will find all of the teaching and learning resources from the Companion Website plus all premium digital content for the course in one place. Passkey-protected premium content consists of the SAM Audio Program in mp3 format; the complete three-tier Video Program in mp4 format; the In-Text Audio Program in mp3 format; video grammar tutorials for every grammar topic covered in the text; access to the Multimedia eBook; and interactive multimedia practice activities. In addition, the NEXOS Premium Website offers direct links to a variety of online tutorial services.
Quia Instant Access Code
ISBN-10: 1133001025 | ISBN-13: 9781133001027
For online purchase only. The eSAM (Workbook/Laboratory Manual) includes the entire SAM in an online format and includes a comprehensive grade book. The eSAM program also includes the audio associated with the Lab section of the SAM.
iLrn: Heinle Learning Center 3-Semester Instant Access Code
ISBN-10: 1133433820 | ISBN-13: 9781133433828
For online purchases only. iLrn: Heinle Learning Center (an all-in-one online solution for the introductory Spanish course) provides students with everything they need to master the skills and concepts of the course. The dynamic audio- and video-enhanced learning environment includes an audio-enhanced eBook with integrated activities, companion videos, an interactive voiceboard, an online workbook and lab manual with audio, interactive enrichment activities, diagnostic activities that generate a personalized study plan for each student, and access to a variety of online tutorial services.
Table of Contents
Capítulo preliminar: ¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español!
the alphabet. people. the textbook. numbers 0–100. objects in the classroom. the textbook. classroom commands.
Capítulo 1: ¿Cómo te llamas?
Temas -. La identidad personal. Introducción a los países de habla española. Comunicación -. introduce yourself and others, greet, and say goodbye. make a phone call. tell your and others' ages. address friends informally and acquaintances politely. write a personal letter. Vocabulario útil -. 1. Greetings. 2. Exchanging personal information (phone numbers and addresses). 3. Introductions and saying good-bye. - Gramática útil -. 1. Identifying people and objects: Nouns and articles. 2. Identifying and describing: Subject pronouns and the present indicative of the verb ser. 3. Expressing quantity: Hay + nouns. 4. Expressing possession, obligation, and age: Tener, tener que, tener + años. - Cultura -. Opener Spanish around the world. ¡Fíjate! Cell phones. Voces de la comunidad: Hispanics from the U.S., Canada, and around the world. ¡Explora y exprésate! --a brief history of the Spanish language. --some statistics about Spanish speakers. --a few comparisons between Spanish and English. --Spanish in the professional world. -Skills -. A ver. Estrategia Viewing a segment several times. A leer. Estrategia Identifying cognates. Lectura ¡Tu dirección electrónica revela tu personalidad! A escribir. Estrategia Prewriting--Identifying your target audience. Composición An e-mail message. Repaso y preparación.
Capítulo 2: ¿Qué te gusta hacer?
- Temas -. 1. Gustos y preferencias. 2. Hispanos en Estados Unidos. - Comunicación -. express likes and dislikes. compare yourself to other people and describe personality traits. ask and answer questions. talk about leisure-time activities. indicate nationality. - Vocabulario útil -. 1. Activities. 2. Physical traits. 3. Personality traits. - Gramática útil -. 1. Describing what you do or are doing: The present indicative of -ar verbs. 2. Saying what you and others like to do: Gustar + infinitive. 3. Describing yourself and others: Adjective agreement. - Cultura -. Opener Statistics on Hispanics in the U.S. ¡Fíjate! "Spanglish": la mezcla de dos idiomas. Voces de la comunidad Isabel Valdés, author and consultant. ¡Explora y exprésate! --world nationalities. --bilingual culture in the U.S. and Canada. --some statistics about Hispanics in the U.S. --Hispanic groups in the U.S.: brief overview of their history and culture. - Skills -. A ver. Estrategia: Using questions as an advance organizer. A leer. Estrategia: Using a bilingual dictionary. Lectura ¿Cómo soy yo? A escribir. Estrategia Prewriting: Using a bilingual dictionary. Composición: An art review. Repaso y preparación.
Capítulo 3: ¿Qué clases vas a tomar?
- Temas -. 1. Investigaciones. 2. Puerto Rico, Cuba y la República Dominicana. - Comunicación -. talk about courses and schedules and tell time. talk about present activities and future plans. talk about possessions. ask and answer questions. - Vocabulario útil -. 1. Fields of study and days of the week. 2. Telling time and times of day. 3. Talking about dates. - Gramática útil -. 1. Asking questions: Interrogative words. 2. Talking about daily activities: -er and -ir verbs in the present indicative. 3. Talking about possessions: Simple possessive adjectives. 4. Indicating destination and future plans: The verb ir. - Cultura -. Opener. Comparative facts about Caribbean countries. ¡Fíjate! The twenty-four hour clock. Voces de la comunidad. Erick Carreira, scientist. ¡Explora y exprésate! --Facts about Puerto Rico, Cuba, and the Dominican Republic. Cuba: the campaign for literacy. Puerto Rico: the bilingual education of the boricuas. República Dominicana: the oldest university in the New World. Skills -. A ver. Estrategia: Using body language. A leer. Estrategia Using visuals. Lectura Tres escuelas interesantes del Caribe. A escribir. Estrategia Prewriting--Brainstorming ideas. Composición A descriptive diary entry. Repaso y preparación.
Capítulo 4: ¿Te interesa la tecnología?
- Temas -. 1. Conexiones. 2. España. - Comunicación -. talk about computers and technology. identify colors. talk about likes and dislikes. describe people, emotions, and conditions. talk about current activities. say how something is done. Vocabulario útil -. 1. Technology, computers, and colors. 2. Emotions, electronics. 3. On the Internet. - Gramática útil -. 1. Expressing likes and dislikes: Gustar with nouns and other verbs like gustar. 2. Describing yourself and others and expressing conditions and locations: The verb estar and the uses of ser and estar. 3. Talking about everyday events: Stem-changing verbs in the present indicative. 4. Describing how something is done: Adverbs. - Cultura -. 1. Opener Comparative facts about Spain. 2. ¡Fíjate! 3. Internet language. 4. Voces de la comunidad. 5. Thaddeus Arroyo, CIO. 6. ¡Explora y exprésate! the Spanish empire. the great artists and writers of Spain. the Arabic influence on Spanish architecture. Buika, a Spanish singer who blends many musical styles. - Skills -. A ver. Estrategia Listening without sound. A leer. Estrategia Using format clues to aid comprehension. Lectura ¿Qué es Tuenti? A escribir. Estrategia Prewriting--Narrowing your topic. Composición An online message. Repaso y preparación.
Capítulo 5: ¿Qué tal la familia?
- Temas -. 1. Relaciones familiares. 2. Honduras y El Salvador. - Comunicación -. talk about and describe your family. talk about professions. describe daily routines. indicate ongoing actions. - Vocabulario útil -. 1. The family. 2. Professions and careers. 3. Personal care items. - Gramática útil -. 1. Describing daily activities: Irregular yo verbs in the present indicative. 2. Describing daily activities: Reflexive verbs. 3. Describing actions in progress: The present progressive tense. - Cultura -. 1. Opener Comparative facts about Honduras and El Salvador. 2. ¡Fíjate! 3. Professions with a global impact. 4. Voces de la comunidad. 5. Gloria G. Rodríguez, author and founder of Avance. 6. ¡Explora y exprésate! facts about Honduras and El Salvador. ethnic diversity in Honduras and El Salvador. a unique course of study in Honduras. a financial cooperative in El Salvador. - Skills -. A ver. Estrategia Listening for the main idea. A leer. Estrategia Skimming for the main idea. Lectura La cultura garífuna. A escribir. Estrategia Writing--Creating a topic sentence. Composición A description of a profession. Repaso y preparación.
Capítulo 6: ¿Adónde vas?
- Temas -. 1. La comunidad local. 2. México. - Comunicación -. talk about means of transportation. say where things are located. talk about where you are and where you are going. give directions. agree and disagree. indicate and talk about what you plan buy. make polite requests and commands. refer to object locations. - Vocabulario útil -. 1. Places in the university and around town. 2. Means of transportation. 3. Shopping. - Gramática útil -. 1.Indicating location: Prepositions of location. 2. Telling others what to do: Commands with usted and ustedes. 3. Affirming and negating: Affirmative and negative expressions. 4. Indicating relative position of objects: Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns. - Cultura -. 1. Opener Comparative facts about Mexico. 2. ¡Fíjate! Regional variations of Spanish around the world. 3. Voces de la comunidad. 4. Sonia Sotomayor, U.S. Supreme Court judge. 5. ¡Explora y exprésate! ancient civilizations and indigenous populations of Mexico. the Spanish conquest and the Mexican Revolution. el tianguis, a special kind of open-air market. - Skills -. A ver. Estrategia Watching facial expressions. A leer. Estrategia Working with unknown grammatical structures. Lectura Los jóvenes se divierten. A escribir. Estrategia Writing--Adding supporting detail. Composición A description of a place of personal significance. Repaso y preparación.
Capítulo 7: ¿Qué pasatiempos prefieres?
- Temas-. 1. Los ratos libres. 2. Panamá y Costa Rica. - Comunicación -. talk about sports and leisure activities. talk about seasons and the weather. say how you feel using tener expressions. describe your recent leisure activities. suggest activities and plans to friends. - Vocabulario útil -. 1. Sports and leisure activities, seasons. 2. Tener expressions. 3. Weather. - Gramática útil -. 1. Talking about what you did: The preterite tense of regular verbs. 2. Talking about what you did: The preterite tense of some common irregular verbs. 3. Referring to something already mentioned: Direct object pronouns. 4. Telling friends what to do: Tú command forms. - Cultura -. 1. Opener Comparative facts about Costa Rica and Panamá. 2. ¡Fíjate! Weather on both sides of the Equator. 3. Voces de la comunidad new subject TBD. 4. ¡Explora y éxpresate!. ethnic diversity in Costa Rica and Panamá. general information about Costa Rica and Panamá. a special boat race from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Ecotourism in Costa Rica. - Skills -. A ver. Estrategia Listening for details. A leer. Estrategia Scanning for detail. Lectura Costa Rica: Aventuras en los rápidos. A escribir. Estrategia Writing--Freewriting. Composición. An article for the school newspaper. Repaso y preparación.
Capítulo 8: ¿Cómo defines tu estilo?
- Temas -. 1. Estilo personal. 2. Perú y Ecuador. - Comunicación -. talk about clothing and fashion. shop for various articles of clothing. discuss prices. describe recent purchases and shopping trips. talk about buying items and doing favors for friends. make comparisons. - Vocabulario útil -. 1. Articles of clothing, fabrics, accessories. 2. Clothes shopping. 3. Means of payment, numbers over 100. - Gramática útil -. 1. Talking about what you did: The preterite tense of more irregular verbs. 2. Talking about what you did: The preterite tense of –ir stem-changing verbs. 3. Saying who is affected or involved: Indirect object pronouns. 4. Making comparisons: Comparatives and superlatives. - Cultura -. 1. Opener Comparative facts about Perú and Ecuador. 2. ¡Fíjate! The ancestral tradition of weaving in the Andes. 3. Voces de la comunidad. 4. New subject, fashion designer. 5. ¡Explora y exprésate! ancient civilizations in Perú and Ecuador and their present-day descendants. general information about Perú and Ecuador. organic cotton from Perú. a colorful fair that sells traditional clothing in Ecuador. - Skills -. A ver. Estrategia: Using background knowledge to anticipate content. A leer. Estrategia: Using background knowledge to anticipate content. Lectura: El jean impone su encanto. A escribir: Estrategia Revising--Editing your freewriting. Composición: A description of your closet. Repaso y preparación.
Capítulo 9: ¿Qué te apetece?
- Temas -. 1. Sabores. 2. Bolivia y Paraguay. - Comunicación -. talk about food and cooking. shop for food. order in a restaurant. talk about what you used to eat and cook. say what you do for others. - Vocabulario útil -. 1. Restaurants and menus. 2. Recipes and food preparation. 3. Setting the table. - Gramática útil -. 1. Talking about what you used to do: The imperfect tense. 2. Talking about the past: Choosing between the preterite and the imperfect tenses. 3. Avoiding repetition: Double object pronouns. 4. Indicating for whom actions are done and what is done routinely: The uses of se. - Cultura -. 1. Opener Comparative facts about Bolivia and Paraguay. 2. ¡Fíjate! The metric system. 3. Voces de la comunidad. 4. Aaron Sánchez, chef, cookbook author, and restaurateur. 5. ¡Explora y exprésate! Bolivia and Paraguay: overview and history. La quinua, a special food from Bolivia. El tereré, a social tea tradition from Paraguay. some ancient and modern sites in Bolivia and Paraguay. - Skills -. A ver. Estrategia Using visuals to aid comprehension. A leer. Estrategia Setting a time. limit. Lectura Los bocadillos en las oficinas. A escribir. Estrategia Writing--Writing a paragraph. Composición A personal anecdote. Repaso y preparación.
Capítulo 10: ¿Dónde vives?
- Temas -.1. Ambientes. 2. Guatemala Nicaragua. - Comunicación -. talk about your childhood. describe houses and apartments and their furnishings. talk about household tasks. indicate numerical order. talk about the duration of past and present events. say what people want others to do. emphasize ownership. - Vocabulario útil -. 1. Parts of the city, the house, ordinal numbers. 2. Household tasks, furniture, and decorations. 3. Household appliances. - Gramática útil -. 1. Expressing hopes and wishes: The subjunctive mood. 2. Emphasizing ownership: Stressed possessives. 3. Expressing ongoing events and duration of time: Hace / Hacía with time expressions. 4. Choosing between por and para. - Cultura -. 1. Opener Housing in Guatemala, Nicaragua, the U.S., and Canada. 2. ¡Fíjate! Refranes del mundo hispano. 3. Voces de la comunidad. 4. New subject, Junot Díaz (tentative). 5. ¡Explora y exprésate! Guatemala and Nicaragua: overview and history. Ethnic diversity in Guatemala and Nicaragua. Some ancient and modern sites in Guatemala and Nicaragua. A unique recycling program in Guatemala. Alter Eco: "green" furniture and decorations for your home. - Skills -. A ver. Estrategia Listening to tone of voice. A leer. Estrategia Understanding poetry. Lectura Poems by Nicaraguan poets Rubén Darío and José Coronel Urtecho. A escribir Estrategia Writing--Adding transitions between paragraphs. Composición Transitional sentences. Repaso y preparación.
Capítulo 11: ¿Qué significa la cultura para ti?
- Temas -. 1. Culturas. 2. Venezuela Colombia. - Comunicación -. talk about popular and high culture. express preferences and make suggestions about entertainment. express emotion and wishes. express doubt and uncertainty. express unrealized desires and unknown situations.- Vocabulario útil -.1. Movie genres; talking about movies. 2. Television shows; talking about television. 3. Music, art, and culture. - Gramática útil -. 1. Expressing emotion and wishes: The subjunctive with impersonal expressions and verbs of emotion. 2. Expressing doubt and uncertainty: The subjunctive with expressions of doubt and disbelief. 3. Expressing unrealized desires and unknown situations: The subjunctive with nonexistent and indefinite situations. - Cultura -. 1. Opener Comparative facts about Venezuela and Colombia. 2. ¡Fíjate! New television, video, music, and Internet radio terms. 3. Voces de la comunidad. 4. Suzanna Guzmán, opera singer. 5. ¡Explora y exprésate! important facts about Colombia and Venezuela. the long history of Venezuelan cinema. MAMBO, a Colombian modern art museum.- Skills -. A ver. Estrategia: Listening for sequencing words. A leer. Estrategia: Using prefixes and suffixes to aid in comprehension. Lectura Elniuton.com: Innovación y experimentación a nivel internacional. A escribir. Estrategia: Prewriting--Creating an outline. Composición: A review. Repaso y preparación.
Capítulo 12: ¿Qué síntomas tienes?
- Temas -. 1. El bienestar. 2. Argentina y Uruguay. - Comunicación -. talk about health and illness. describe aches and parts of the body. express probable outcomes. express yourself precisely with the subjunctive and the indicative. talk about future activities. - Vocabulario útil -. 1. Symptoms and illnesses, parts of the body. 2. In the doctor's office. 3. Medications and treatments. - Gramática útil -. 1. Expressing possible outcomes: The subjunctive and indicative with conjunctions. 2. Expressing yourself precisely: Choosing between the subjunctive and indicative moods. 3. Talking about future activities: The future tense. - Cultura -. 1. Opener Comparative facts about Argentina and Uruguay. 2. ¡Fíjate! Medical language. 3. Voces de la comunidad. 4. Dr. Élmer Huerta, oncologist, radio and television host. 5. ¡Explora y exprésate! important facts about Argentina and Uruguay. the health benefits of tango, the Argentinian national dance. the long life expectancy of Uruguayans. the popularity of psychoanalysis in Argentina. - Skills -. A ver. Estrategia: Listening for cognates and key words. A leer. Estrategia: Understanding a chronology. Lectura: Argentina la analítica. A escribir: Estrategia Writing--Using softening language and courtesy expressions. Composición: A letter to the doctor. Repaso y preparación.
Capítulo 13: ¿Cúal es tu trabajo ideal?
- Temas -. 1. Metas profesionales. 2. Chile. - Comunicación -. talk about current events. interview for a job and talk about your skills and experience. talk about things you have done and had done in the past. express doubt, emotion, uncertainty, and opinions about recent events and actions. - Vocabulario útil -. 1. Current events. 2. Applying for a job. 3. Business and the economy. - Gramática útil -. 1. Talking about what has occurred: The present perfect tense. 2. Talking about events that took place prior to other events: The past perfect tense. 3. Expressing doubt, emotion, and will: The present perfect subjunctive. - Cultura -. 1. Opener Comparative facts about Chile. 2. ¡Fíjate! Using web translators. 3. Voces de la comunidad. 4. New subject, Yvonne García (tentative). 5. ¡Explora y exprésate! important facts about Chile. the most dramatic rescue of miners ever witnessed by the entire world. students and summer jobs in Chile. - Skills -. A ver. Estrategia: Watching for transitions and listening for words that signal a change in the conversation. A leer. Estrategia: Clustering words and phrases. Lectura: Trabajos veraniegos para jóvenes en Chile. A escribir. Estrategia: Writing--Writing from charts and diagrams. Composición: A cover letter or e-mail. Repaso y preparación.
Capítulo 14: ¿Te gustaría explorar el mundo?
- Temas -. 1. Comunidad global. 2. Andorra, Belice, Filipinas, Guinea Ecuatorial, Marruecos. - Comunicación -. talk about travel and make travel plans. describe animals and geography. hypothesize and speculate. express doubt, emotion, and reactions about past events. - Vocabulario útil -. 1. Travel, the airport, on the airplane. 2. In the hotel. 3. Geography. - Gramática útil -. 1. Expressing doubt, emotion, volition, and nonexistence in the past: The imperfect subjunctive. 2. Saying what might happen or could occur: The conditional. 3. Expressing the likelihood that an event will occur: Si clauses with the subjunctive and the indicative. - Cultura -. 1. Opener Spanish-speaking communities around the world. 2. ¡Fíjate! Indigenous languages of the Spanish-speaking world. 3. Voces de la comunidad. 4. Donato Ndongo-Bidyogo; Professor, writer and journalist. 5. ¡Explora y exprésate! important facts about Andorra, Belice, Filipinas, Guinea Ecuatorial, Marruecos. countries with large Spanish-speaking communities. - Skills -. A ver. Estrategia Integrating your viewing strategies. A leer. Estrategia Understanding an author's point of view. Lectura: "El reencuentro", Juan Balboa Boneke. A escribir Estrategia Revising--Editing your work. Composición An editing checklist. Repaso y preparación.

Steve Foster
801 391-2055

Phone: (800) 354-9706, Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. ET

Viajes, 2nd ed
6, 7, 8
11, 12

1- commu-niation.
3-story of 5 students
Wide sampling, including: David Bisbal, La casa de Bernarda Alba
every chapter. Each "¡A comuni-carnos!" capstone writing expands on the conver-sation theme
focus on communication and embedded high- and low-c culture”
1 country per Chapter
Sam includes testing, autopruebas, powerpoints, tutorial podcasts & tutorial, audio flashcards, etc.

Puentes, 6th Ed
5, 7 , 7

Teaches reading skills
Teaches writing skills
Teaches reflexivo & presente del perfecto before pretérito

Cuadros 1st ed
Vol 1

of focus
3 tiers

The first of a 4-volume, 4-semester program Self-evaluation chapter,

Cuadros 1st ed
Vol 2

Vol 2
short films

CUADROS Volume 1 (1st Semester or 1st Quarter) includes: Present Tense including Reflexive Verbs.
CUADROS Volume 2 (2nd Semester or 2nd Quarter) includes: Present Subjunctive, Future Tense, Present and Past Perfect.
CUADROS Volume 3 (3rd Semester or 3rd Quarter) includes: Preterite & Indirect as well as Commands.
CUADROS Volume 4 (4th Semester or 4th Quarter) includes: Conditional, Imperfect Subjunctive, and Future & Conditional Perfect.

4th ed
6/7, 7, 8
2-tierd video


6/7, 8, 9

If you are interested in any of the supplements below, please contact your sales representative.
CourseMate Instant Access Code
ISBN-10: 0495914215 | ISBN-13: 9780495914211
The more you study, the better the results. Make the most of your study time by accessing everything you need to succeed in one place. The EXPLORACIONES CourseMate includes a media-enhanced eBook with highlighting, note taking, and an interactive glossary. Through CourseMate you can access the text and lab audio programs. There are also interactive tools, including quizzes, flashcards, videos, and more!
Personal Tutor Instant Access Code
ISBN-10: 1111475415 | ISBN-13: 9781111475413
Available online, students have access to experienced tutors with degrees in this subject area. Students can receive one-on-one tutoring and on-demand help with assignments. Available as a packaged item with new textbooks or for purchase at http://www.iChapters.com.
Premium Web Site 3-Semester Instant Access Code
ISBN-10: 0495914231 | ISBN-13: 9780495914235
iLrn™ Heinle Learning Center Instant Access Code
ISBN-10: 0495914193 | ISBN-13: 9780495914198
Save time AND money with this all-in-one online companion to EXPLORACIONES. With iLrn: Heinle Learning Center, everything you need to master the skills and contents of the course is built right in to this dynamic audio- and video-enhanced learning environment, including an interactive diagnostic study tool that helps you prepare for exams. The online workbook and lab manual with audio allows you to receive immediate feedback on your work. This learning center also gives you access to an audio- and video-enhanced eBook, integrated textbook activities, partnered, voice-recorded activities, and companion videos with pre- and post-viewing activities.


Visión y voz
3rd ed

Webpages often do not work. Material still seems too hard.
Unable to get much info from website

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Jeffrey Bischoff     jeffrey.bischoff@pearson.com   801 347-4175
6th ed

Diarios de bicicleta

Course,  ¡Arriba! Comunicación y cultura, 6e  , CRSCDW8-474632 has been created. To access your course, log in here http://pegasus2.pearsoned.com/Pegasus/frmlogin.aspx
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CourseID: CRSCDW8-474632 Course Name:  ¡Arriba! Comunicación y cultura, 6e
Description: Text book Title: ¡Arriba! Comunicación y cultura, 6e Text book ISBN: 0205740375-9780205740376

Preterite, imperfect, contrast
Present subjunctive
Past subjunctive
Past perfect subjunctive

3rd ed


From: product.support@pearsoned.com [product.support@pearsoned.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2012 1:04 PM
Subject: Course Creation Notification
Course, Gente: Nivel básico, Tercera edición , CRSCDJY-647174 has been created. To access your course, log in here http://pegasus2.pearsoned.com/Pegasus/frmlogin.aspx
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CourseID: CRSCDJY-647174
Course Name: Gente: Nivel básico, Tercera edición
Description: Text book Title: Gente: Nivel básico, Tercera edición
Text book ISBN: 0205783430-9780205783434

5th ed.


And here is the Final Rubric:

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Isbn $91.50 (122.00 longer Arriba 6th ed looseleafwith myspanishlab 020-503-4381

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General Elements
Andrea re Arriba: I jotted down page numbers where I saw evidence of the different elements of the different standards when they were met. I did not see any evidence where they addressed native/heritage speakers. I really like the instructor grade-book, it seems much more user friendly (MySpanishLab). All around this is a better text than Experience Spanish.
Marianna (Arriba): Very clear, well presented and easy to follow. In all my years of teaching with online programs, Arriba presented no mayor difficulties for the instructor or students.

(2007) TEXTBOOK COMPARISON CHARTS GENTE Y 2 págs. de Gente, Intermedia, del imperfecto del subjuntivo
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General Elements
Luz (Gente—3era opción de Luz): both the vocabulary and grammar sections are combined under each chapter topic, giving good cohesion.
El enfoque de task based de Gente es muy bueno, sin embargo, se puede aplicar a cualquier texto, solamente es necesario planificar las actividades/proyectos y evaluaciones bajo esa premisa.  Considero que las conexiones culturales son muy limitadas en Gente y aunque cada capítulo presenta un tema dentro del cual se desarrolla la gramática y el vocabulario, el texto no brinda un enfoque completo cultural.

Darin re Gente:....  I have given a brief look at Gente, and I like it so far.  It seems to be a pretty big departure from what we have had in the past, which may be a good thing.  The only thing I noticed from the brief time I have had to to look at it was that the vocabulary sections seemed a little confusing, but I only looked at one or two.  The other question I had with this text was how the tests would work.  Not only the format of the tests, but also the timing.  With 10 chapters, would we really have a test after each chapter?  For the classes that meet only twice a week, this would mean a test almost every other class period. 

Marianna (Gente): I have some hesitance with the way that the new vocabulary is presented in each chapter. I believe that is helpful for students to have the visual  connection between object and concept.

Christine (Marianna’s comment about Gente): Cory said that he could customize Gente by adding what Marianna wanted: vocabulary words with picture cues; which he suggested be taken from Arriba (not that Arriba’s and Gente’s would necessarily match….)

For me it is important to have one overriding task per chapter and that all elements should lead to accomplishing the task. I am glad that we have scrutinized Gente; it would be interesting to pilot it, if and when we achieve a cadre of full- and part-time faculty who work and contribute together in an atmosphere of mutual goals and support.
I like that each little chapter task is on a two-page spread and that chapters are short enough so students know exactly what is happening on each page.
I also like that the vocabulary is introduced with interpretive tasks and would like picture cues to be included on the dictionary page at the chapter’s end.
I like that the most pertinent grammar is located in wide inner margins on the grammar two-page spread. It is short and pithy; if students (who maybe have not read the grammar) have questions, instructors can usually refer them to the margin note-explanations and avoid going over a lot of grammar in class. There are also 3 pages of consultorio grammatical at the end of each chapter or those who need more.
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General Elements
Luz (Mosaicos-su 1era opción) Considero que Mosaicos se apega mayormente a los requisitos de la rúbrica porque brinda un gran contexto cultural, gramática y vocabulario y ejercicios que facilitan la actuación de los estudiantes en escenarios que van de más a menos controlados

Darin (Mosaicos) As for Mosaicos, overall I feel the book is solid and meets most of Laura's criteria, but nothing about it really excites me.  This is a minor issue, but it looks like they used the same artwork as ¡Arriba! had, and I have always hated it.  But that's just me, and I wouldn't let that sway anyone's decision.  One area that seemed to be a bit short was the culture.  It was there at the end of each chapter, but it was a long paragraph with just a couple of pictures that didn't really draw your attention, and some of the pictures seemed outdated.  It didn't seem to do a very good job of making a connection between the cultural theme with the grammar lessons in each chapter. 

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Luz (Nexos): es mi segunda opción porque al igual que Mosaicos presenta mayores características que se complementan para brindar las 5 C's, En mi experiencia personal, he utilizado este texto (2a. edición) en la U of U y a pesar de tener un par de fallas en el componente en línea, por lo demás es muy bueno.  La tercera edición está más actualizada.

Y las págs 558 a 561 de Vistas: imperfecto del subjuntivo
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Promedio parcial
Luz (Vistas-su 4a opción): Vistas, ni que decir, le falta mucho, tiene muchas limitaciones en cuanto a la cultura, la cantidad y calidad de las actividades.

The online component has major flaws; students spend more time learning how to do it than working in it.

Christine (Panorama-Vistas): I was able to on a guided tour through the online site easily

Marianna (Panorama)I like the formula of clarity and simplicity of this book. Even though it is a shorter version of Vistas, it includes all the pertinent content for the four semesters. I like the idea of extending the teaching of intro. Spanish to three semesters. It gives us the appropriate time to go over complex grammar subjects like the subjunctive and other difficult topics.

Andrea (Panorama-used Vistas) especially CH 3 I love the layout. 
 I really like all of the instructor and student ancillaries.
Supersite is a great tool for both instructors and students.
Gradebook is more user friendly.  You can add columns for items not completed graded online.
Fotonovela is great!
Has more listeneing comprehension exercises within the textbook.
Culture is integrated throughout the chapter.
Has suggestions on how to include/draw out Heritage speakers.
Testing program has 6 versions of the chapter tests.
The only part that I really do not like is the drawings.

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