Tuesday, February 5, 2013

003.A.13.4 2011 Piano Presentation for President's Reception

From: Sherine Miller
Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2012 10:09 AM
To: Christine Gonzales
Cc: Hilda Sandi; Elizete Bond; Jeanne Westgard
Subject: Thank you
Good morning,
I wanted to just take a minute and thank you for sharing your musical talent with us yesterday at the President and Dean’s List Reception. The music set the mood and created a wonderful atmosphere.
Thank you for your contribution to the success of the Reception.
The President and Dean’s List Reception Committee,
Hilda Sandi, Elizete Bond, Jeanne Westgard, Sherine Miller
Sherine A. Miller
Salt Lake Community College
Academic and Career Advisor
Taylorsville Redwood Campus
P.O. Box 30808 * 4600 S. Redwood Rd. * STC 240 * Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0808
Appt.: (801) 957.4978 . Fax: (801) 957.4142. Phone: (801) 957.4184

From: Christine Gonzales
Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2011 3:51 PM
To: Sonia Parker
Subject: RE: Music during the President and Dean's lists reception
Si, puedo, y acepto con gusto.
¿Es en el Oak Room?
From: Sonia Parker
Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2011 12:55 PM
To: Christine Gonzales
Subject: Music during the President and Dean's lists reception
Hola Christine,
Academic Advising va a celebrar el exito de nuestros estudiantes con calificaciones promedio de 3.5.- 4.0.,  durante una recepcion el 12 de Octubre.  Habra dos sesiones, una en la manana y la otra en la tarde.  No se si tienes tiempo,  pero me gustaria que por favor toques el piano antes de comenzar el evento.  Seria como por 15 minutos, a las 11:45 a.m. y la otra a las 4:45 p.m.-  Crees que tendrias el tiempo?  Dame a saber.


Sonia A. Parker
Director, Academic and Career Advising
4600 S Redwood Rd. SC 240
SLC, UT 84130
Phone: (801) 957-4446
Fax (801) 957-4958  
Cell: (801) 635-6497

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